Ever wondered what is the best answer “why should we hire you with no experience?”
Here is your first response:
Let me start by saying how honored i am for the time and effort allocated for the oppotunity of this interview.
Secondly begin with:
My lack of experience , I believe, will benefit the company and here is how
You may picture me as a blank canvas who has no preconceived ideas about the workplace. This means you can train and develop me to be a responsive, dynamic and high-performing member of the organization.
You should also hire me because i am positive about change, I never complain, I have a huge appetite for learning.
All i request is that i be given:
- Number 1- Plenty of tasks and projects to work on.
- Number 2- Something new to learn.
- Number 3- Ambitious and supportive people to work alongside.
And i will repay the company with high-quality results and a commitment to the organization for the long-term.
The main ingrediant to all of this is saying it with CONFIDENCE!